

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gang kelinci (The Rabbit Alley)

I made this sequence as an assignment for my graphic design class last semester
It's about a song called "Gang Kelinci" ("the Rabbit Alley")
 "Jakarta, kotaku indah dan megah"
("Jakarta my city, so beautiful and grand")
 "Di situlah aku dilahirkan"
("I was born there")
 "Rumahku di salah satu gang, namanya gang kelinci"
("My house is at one of the alley, the name is Rabbit Alley")
 "Mungkin dulu kerajaan kelinci"
("Maybe it used to be a Rabbit Kingdom")
 "Sekarang rumahnya berjubel"
("Now, the houses are so crowded")
"Anak-anak segudang, grudak gruduk, kayak kelinci"
("So many kids, grudak, gruduk just like rabbits")

Notes : "Grudak, Gruduk" is a sound effect to give picture to people that it's so crowded that people got pressed

Here is a link to hear the actual song:

The song was originally sung by Lilis Suryani (R.I.P), an Indonesian Singer. But, since it's so famous, many Indonesian singers has sung it as well

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